Mammal watching in the Cantabrian Mountains

Dates: September 28th-October 4th The Cantabrian Mountains are one of the last wild places in Europe. They are home of magnificent mammals like European Wildcat, Cantabrian Brown Bear, Iberian Wolf, Southern Chamois and Spanish Ibex to name few. In addition there are many sought-after…

Wildlife report in the Cantabrian Mountains

I am regular visitor of the Cantabrian mountains and Picos de Europa. As a result, I have spent many summers searching for its wonderful wildlife. Here you can read my last wildlife trip report in the Cantabrian Mountains. We usually run two types of…

Wildlife trip report to Valencia, La Mancha, Madrid and the Pyrenees.

Welcome to our wildlife report to Valencia, La Mancha, Madrid and Pyrenees. We planned this itinerary to cover most of the habitats found in mainland Spain in order to get a good diversity of birds. May 2018 Day 1. Wildlife trip report. Valencia – La…

Sierra de Guara trip report

Welcome to our Sierra de Guara trip report, in search of stunning birds like the Wallcreepers and Lammergeier Notice that this was a tailor made tour in early April and therefore too late to watch Wallcreepers in Guara or Cranes in Gallocanta, so we…

Pyrenees bird watching trip

This is a Pyrenees bird watching trip report from May 25th to 29th. During the previous 4 days, I have had the pleasure of guiding Lee around Valencia and Alicante provinces. Day 1 Gandia-Steppes of Belchite (Steppe birds) At 6:30 a.m. Lee, Lauren and I are…

Bird watching tour Pyrenees

This is a trip report about a bird watching tour in the Pyrenees. It is widely known that the Pyrenees are one of the best places in Europe to observe dazzling birds such as the Lammergeier, Citril Finch and the Wallcreeper. I am guiding…