Where to see birds in Costa Blanca

One of the top things to do in Costa Blanca is to discover the stunning wildlife that can be found in this part of Spain. Many tourists visit the area attracted by the beautiful beaches and the warm weather, overlooking the wildlife of the region. In this article, our team tells you where to see the birds in Costa Blanca and point out the diversity of butterflies, orchids, and dragonflies.

First of all, I would like to mention that in the Valencia Region are been recorded over 400 species of birds each year. Not the region is only wonderful for birds, but also for butterflies with 159 species recorded and over 40 species of dragonflies. In addition, during the orchid season in March/April, it is possible to see 11-12 species in just one day.


Where to look for birds in Costa Blanca?


From North to South we can discover the Natural Park of Pego Marshes. It holds species such as the Bluethroat, Moustached Warbler, Squacco Heron, Marsh Harrier, and Collared Pratincole. Furthermore, in the nearby valleys, Bonelli’s and Golden Eagle breed. Other wildlife includes Melodious Warbler, Bee-eater, Red-billed Chough or mammals as the Barbary sheep.

If we move inland to Aitana or Mariola Mountains, we shall find a stunning variety of butterflies and forest birds. Crested Tit, Subalpine Warbler, Goshawk, Booted and Short-toed Eagle find shelter and food in this forested Park. In addition, the quaint villages of Bocairent, Agres, and Banyeres of Mariola are worth visiting.

Close to Alicante, in Monnegre you will discover the amazing eroded gorges of gypsum. This is the home of Thekla Lark, Black wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, and Rock Sparrow among other birds.


El Fondo, a bird reserve you should not miss!


If you are planning to stay longer and would like to know more things to do in Costa Blanca, please keep reading. Near Elche is located one of the most popular and interesting birding reserves of East Spain, el Fondo de Elche. Many bird rarities are recorded there every year. Here you will find White-headed Duck, Marbled Duck, and wintering raptors such as Hen, Montagu’s, and Spotted Eagle.

A bit further inland, there are some interesting areas near Villena where is possible to see a nice variety of steppes species: Sandgrouses, Bustards, Larks, etc.



Finally, not far from el Fondo are located the Salinas (Salt pans) of Santa Pola. Although most of the area is private and therefore access is not allowed, there are some paths and hides in Pinet beach. The reserve holds large numbers of waders during winter and migration. Furthermore, gulls such as Slender-billed Gull and Audoin’s Gull have in Salinas the largest colonies in the region.

Our aim is to arouse your curiosity and to encourage you to enjoy the stunning wildlife of the region.

We organize local wildlife tours around Costa Blanca, bespoke for every group. On our website you will find more information regarding the local tours, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Wildlife pictures during our trips on Facebook and Instagram.